"In my heart's a memory.... and there you'll always be"

Have you got a quote that stands out to you? Maybe for a specific reason, or a memory behind it? "Goodbye may seem forever, farewell is like the end, but in my hearts a memory and there you'll always be" This is a quote I stand by. But why? Well, every stage of your life you are are watching different journeys of not only yourself but of people around you, these experiences can alter the path that you are on whether it be for the good or bad. Whether its a breakup, you watch your path crumble underneath you and you wonder what happens now? How do I move onto the next path when I want to return back? But this is just the end of that path and memory. Now is the time for you to develop your new path based on this memory. You live and learn, memories are there too remind you of specific points in your life and the path you chose to take from there. Sometimes you can go down a dark, eerie path where you do things that maybe you wouldn't of normally, but this is your jo...