Starting out- my first photoshoot and styling

So here we go this is my first ever blog post, to say I'm nervous is an understatement, I'm so scared i will either run out of things to say, or alternatively be word vomiting pages out like there's no tomorrow. That's a nice image I've just created right there, but here we go, wish me luck. Recently I decided to do a bit of fashion styling with one of my friends Lucy to try out different looks and alternately mix and match different styles together to see the outcome. It was a very productive shoot to say the least, I decided to do the shoot outside in my back garden, as at the time it was minus ten degrees and the location I wanted (in a skate park which was fifteen minutes from my house) was gonna be quite awkward, seeing as there would be no where to get changed and we would of had an audience there. Although as my back garden is quite different from a typical garden I thought it would be okay to try it out and experiment with the variety of scenes I could ...