
Showing posts from March, 2012


All Ive heard about lately is tattoos, "what one should I get for my first?" "Is this too big/small?" "Will it suit me". Tattoos now a days are very publicized within the media, the moment a celebrity gets a tattoo its front page news- which I definitely don't believe deserves to be front page issues?! Surely there are more important issues going on rather than ooo look who has a new tattoo! Though society now a days seems to judge people with tattoos which I think is totally unfair as you cant judge a book by its cover drawings, can you? Getting your first tattoo is a big deal, it's something that stays with you for the rest of your life, although some people just do it for the spur of the moment feeling and that adrenaline rush. Some people get tattoos that mean something to them personally, something they have an interest in or just something they see and like the look of.  In time however, people can start to regret tattoos they got as they e...

Deciding on an outfit the night before=extra half hour in bed

Like any other girl/women its a struggle deciding what to wear in the morning or even at night, this is the main reason I'm always late I can never decide on an outfit and it frustrates me so much. Its not like I have nothing in my wardrobe, completely the opposite! My wardrobe is exploding with endless supply of tops,vests, shirts, blouses, skirts, shorts.. name it I have it... Maybe that's why Ive had three new wardrobes since the beginning of this year. But for once I decided to plan my outfit the night before, for me this is a rare as I'm used to taking a good half hour deciding what I want to wear then changing it as I don't think its suiting my body at that time or its too laid back. I'm used to people saying I'm always "dressed up" but I don't feel it, I just wear things I feel comfortable in or I think suits my mood for the day sort of thing. For example last night I wanted to wear something plain and simple for college today with just...

Kanye West Fashion Designer?

Thinking of Kanye West you think of; "Gold digger", them "bling" diamond teeth he has, the ridiculous amounts of money he has (that I wish I still had now) and them endless designers names all in his blackberry... but fashion designer? I was quite surprised hearing of Kanye West doing a fashion show.. especially a women's show, I couldn't get out my head that he was going to design something either very figure hugging that showed off a women's best assets or something that caused a lot of controversy or even with such a dynamic print to reflect his own personal style. And that he certainly did. Reading up on his first Paris fashion show it seems as though he really didn't make the best first impression that he wanted, being told his collection was to "Givenchy-esque, ten points off for copying the guy next to you" quoted from Wall Street Journal fashion critic Christina Binkley from the New York Daily News. He also caused a big st...

Can you really get Cheap fashion?

So its currently half one in the morning, yes any normally sane person would be asleep right now if they had to be up at seven, but no not me. For some reason I cannot sleep, I am a bag of nerves for my upcoming interviews for university and I have so many thoughts and ideas whizzing around my tiny little brain wanting to come out. Then I see my phone flashing, who would text me at this time? might you ask, well your wrong, its an email..... and Its Topshop. WHY OH WHY when I'm totally and utterly skint do i always seem to get more emails regarding new upcoming fashion trends (and give me false hope that i am quite popular at this time) and the latest sales. So I started to think whether i could find a cheaper alternative to high street fashion, with the same lasting time  and durability just a cheaper price tag. I'm an avid twitter goer, and the majority of places that follow me are either fashion wannabes like me or more clothes store trying to advertise and ...