
All Ive heard about lately is tattoos, "what one should I get for my first?" "Is this too big/small?" "Will it suit me". Tattoos now a days are very publicized within the media, the moment a celebrity gets a tattoo its front page news- which I definitely don't believe deserves to be front page issues?! Surely there are more important issues going on rather than ooo look who has a new tattoo! Though society now a days seems to judge people with tattoos which I think is totally unfair as you cant judge a book by its cover drawings, can you? Getting your first tattoo is a big deal, it's something that stays with you for the rest of your life, although some people just do it for the spur of the moment feeling and that adrenaline rush. Some people get tattoos that mean something to them personally, something they have an interest in or just something they see and like the look of. In time however, people can start to regret tattoos they got as they e...