Post Secret.. Whats your secret?

I know this is meant to be more of a fashion blog than anything else, but I also like writing about subjects that really influence me. Ive known about Post Secrets now for a few years and they really do touch my heart and do shock me to an extent of what people write. Basically a Post Secret is a postcard which someone designs themselves- which includes a background image they create and then the secret itself. Although what I never realised was how in depth people can go with their secrets- I expected just normal everyday secrets like "I really like you, but I don't know how to tell you" for example, but some people gave away a deep and emotional secret to them. It started to go on the website once a week to see the secrets and the detail that people went to within them and the design of the card really shock me. Though when America was sadly rocked with the events of 9/11 I thought people would want to keep there feelings to themselves as of course it's such a ...