Wednesday Wishlist- My top 10

Well its the middle of the week, the day I hate the most as I know that instead of having a weekend of partying and spending time with my loved ones I will be running around behind a bar doing what I do best ha. Although one advantage of it being Wednesday is that tomorrow is pay day, my favourite day of the week, I haven't brought any clothes for about two weeks now, which for me is a miracle, I don't know how I've done it. So here are my top 10 items of clothing and even accessories that I am craving at the moment, and hopefully when pay day comes tomorrow I will be able to splurge my money on these beautiful items. Like every other woman I adore jewellery I cannot leave the house without having a bracelet,ring and a necklace on as I just feel plain without them. I'm an avid twitter person and I have been following Daisy Loves Jewellery for a while now and they re beautiful hand made bracelets and necklaces have been on my wish list for a long time now. Th...