"Nothing lasts forever"
"Keep your head up, nothing lasts forever", I'm sure at some stage in your life you've heard this well known saying when a relationship or friendship has broken down or changed. Some things only come to an end because situations/environments have changed or people grow up and start to realise their worth- whether bad or good. Kelly Clarkson, the first American Idol winner, is well known for her constant battles with her weight and her straight to the point heart felt lyrics, that even inspired me as a teenager. There's always that one song that will adapt to a situation that you are in at some stage in your life and once you hear it that memory will be stored within your mind and with that song forever. "It's hard to get high when your living on the bottom", for a while now I've been very insecure about the way I look or feel- this isn't directly aimed at anyone this is just me. With the way the world is everyone is stereotyped into a certi...