OOTW- "If I was you, I'd wanna be me too"

Life is one big whirlwind right now; with working nearly 60 hour weeks, juggling coursework, stressing over coursework and trying not to spend uneccasry money on more clothes I definitely do not need (but I do need). Coffee is literally the love of my life right now- as well as Salted caramel green tea that is my life saver. But anyways back to business, last week I posted about the on trend Mom jeans and had such an overwhelming response that I hadn't expected. So this week I bring you two different styles on what to wear with them. From a retro quirky style, to a dressed up dinner date. Outfit one: The Topshop Style. A different quirky style with the Mom Jeans, I'm absolutely loving this Ivy Park bodysuit, something so simple that can be dressed up or down for any occasion. Added with the on trend bomber jacket. Ive found these two preppy ones again from Topshop, I'm loving the bardot effect jacket on the right and the m...